the best and worst of a day in retail
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day Weekend
Talk about bipolar!
On the one hand, there is the original meaning of this holiday: honoring those who have died in the service of this country.
On the other hand, this is the kick-off to summer: a three-day weekend with barbecues, beaches, and booze.
Shopgirlove put on her chef hat yesterday and cooked for a wedding. Everything went well, but working the second day of a long weekend changes one's perspective. Day one is a school night, so no festivities. Day two was a school day, so bonjour fatigue. Day three, school night again. There you are, then.
A tired workaholic worked a holiday weekend. She is rather pleased with herself, but has little to report.
Here are two things to sum up my take on this holiday. The first came from the folks at Alternate Brain and reminded me of the tremendous debt we all owe the men and women in uniform.
The second thing was a series of spurious rumours floating across the web about the current administration and the many and varied scandals attributed to it's principals.
Posted by
4:07 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
My new obsession
Her Name is Leah. She weighs 61/2 lbs. She is 18" tall. And she (unlike her father and her auntie) has a chin! I find myself utterly undone by this event, by my brother's happiness, by my own awe before this new little history waiting to unfold. I am surprised at how very grateful I am to my sister-in-law. I mean, I already worshipped the ground she walks on, but she has achieved a somewhat mythical, hero status in my mind. I find myself wanting to build some sort of shrine to her and make offerings. How weird is that? I sort of understand the whole Mary, mother of God, thing now.
Most of all, though, I am so excited that someone will be lucky enough to have my brother for a father. He is tender and fair and protective and encouraging and goofy and as smart as they come. Lucky you, little Leah. Your parents are amazing as will you be, I am sure.
Lucky me, for having you in my life.
I can't wait to meet you.
Posted by
4:53 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
My name is Shopgirlove
And I'm a workaholic.
OK. So I just wrapped up week 5. I won't even go into the bizarre dreams I've been having. Hello anxiety! The learning curve on this job appears to be 12 months. Although my probation period is 3 months. Hopefully, my commitment and enthusiasm have not gone overlooked.
Whatever. My brother is still expecting his first child (my first niece) and is overdue. I cannot express how much this means to me. I am over the moon!
I do wish I had had more time to check in with you, my gentle readers.
Hopefully, I will be able to find some balance in the near future!
I adore you all!
Posted by
7:38 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Have you missed me?
Shopgirlove has missed you!
Here's the quick update:
- The job is nuts.
- Bollywood didn't work out.
- Shopgirlove will soon be homeless.
- She loves her new corporate masters.
Shopgirlove love each and every one of you and hopes to return in full force soon.
Posted by
9:37 PM