the best and worst of a day in retail

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hell is for worker bees

Well. Shogirlove has been a little under the gun at work, lately. Last Friday, her Uber-boss actually threw something at her. Not so pleasant. When Shopgirlove suggested that might not be the most appropriate way to handle intra-office communication, she received the following commentary:

"I didn't throw it at you. If I had, it would have hit you."

Oh. Well then. We're all peachy.

Shopgirlove may not be as regular as Metamucil for a while. Her apologies.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Guest blogger

King Dutch has a story to offer. It's kind of heartwarming.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Satvir Singh

Shopgirlove knows your name. She will not forget it. May you rot in hell.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In the graveyard

There's been a lot of death, lately. Chez Shopgirlove. Rather heavy, really. So she wants to lighten up a little with some entertainment. Dark though it may be...

The last goodbye

Patch, Shopgirlove hopes his passing was as dreams come to us. So lightly, we barely know the difference. Between a breath in and a breath out. Silent and easy. May your heart be unlocked and open. A child on the waves. No burden yours to bear. We are all with you and keep you close.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Whole Facism

Well. Whole Paycheck has decided that we should not use plastic bags. Sorry if I don't agree. Shopgirlove is done shopping there.
Really, as someone who has no children, no car, and no refrigerator.
Can I please have a plastic bag?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A little late and very sorry

You were a good parrot. And a good partner. We learned a lot from your mom. In fact, you and your mom managed to make us rethink our take on intelligence. Perhaps it's not just for simians anymore. Perhaps outside the box is the place to be. Anyway, thank you. You were a good parrot.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The bell tolls for Eight Belles

Shopgirlove loves the races. But can we please, please stop racing two-year-olds?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Abusive and boss together are not much fun

Today was not a good day.
She won't be in tomorrow, although Shopgirlove will.
Tomorrow looks to be a good day.
We'll deal with Monday when it comes.
And the bleeding ulcer...