Dr. said
Mam's "a ticket". She walked out, no wheel chair. Total rock star! She's all set with chicken soup and a good book.
Shopgirlove's customer interaction of the day:
Customer: Can I see those birds?
Shopgirlove: Absolutely! (Taking down and demonstrating bird action--not without a certain amount of finesse.)
C.: Mine doesn't do that.
S.: (Unsure whether or not this is a good thing.) Is this the bird you have?
C.: No, mine doesn't do that.
S.: But each one is different. Which one do you have? They're light-sensitive so it may behave differently in here than in your home.
C.: Why would it do that?
S.: Because the light's different?
After much more of the above, we establish that she owned the previous generation which behaved totally differently.
C.: What's that one?
S.: A Japanese Tit. (Hah hah, I said tit!)
C.: What is it?
S.: (Really ready to close the sale and move on.) A Japanese tit.
C.: I think I'll take that one.
S.: (Coming from the stockroom with box in hand.) There's some great information about each bird on the back of the box!
C.: What kind of bird is this?
S.: It's a Japanese Tit...
C.: I haven't seen one around here, are they local?
S.: Umm. They're Japanese?
C.: Can you spot them around here?
S.: Well, no. They're from Japan?
C.: Give me the Goldfinch then.
S.: Can I wrap that for you?
C.: No, but I thought I saw a postcard of the Eiffel Tower that was from the daytime?
S.: Right this way!
oh i've had that interaction, and i stifled the giggle with the japanese tit (he he)
for the record, you're far to wise about the boy advice. Stupid boys. They should be kicked
I said tit!
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