the best and worst of a day in retail

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Shopgirlove's first weekly round-up of what she actually remembers about what was in the news in the week before!

Without further ado, Press Clippings:

General Pace was asked and did tell.

No queens reigned in this parade, but that's o.k., since this one was way better.

At least one Christian Fundamentalist leader is all for messing around with embryos.

Maybe McCain suffers from post-traumatic-stress? There has to be an explanation.

Tony Snow rolls up the stoner defense and the Christian base defends bong hits for Jesus.

The Brits lag behind the Irish and the Finns and they're not happy about it.

We wish the Donald could fire Bush.

The top lawyer in America could use a good lawyer, too bad he got them really, really mad.

Yahoo sends bloggers to prison. Bad Yahoo! You get a naughty cookie.

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