Memorial Day Weekend
Talk about bipolar!
On the one hand, there is the original meaning of this holiday: honoring those who have died in the service of this country.
On the other hand, this is the kick-off to summer: a three-day weekend with barbecues, beaches, and booze.
Shopgirlove put on her chef hat yesterday and cooked for a wedding. Everything went well, but working the second day of a long weekend changes one's perspective. Day one is a school night, so no festivities. Day two was a school day, so bonjour fatigue. Day three, school night again. There you are, then.
A tired workaholic worked a holiday weekend. She is rather pleased with herself, but has little to report.
Here are two things to sum up my take on this holiday. The first came from the folks at Alternate Brain and reminded me of the tremendous debt we all owe the men and women in uniform.
The second thing was a series of spurious rumours floating across the web about the current administration and the many and varied scandals attributed to it's principals.
Thanks for the linkage and the sentiment.
Thank you for the post.
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