the best and worst of a day in retail

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hello duckies! Shopgirlove is a little low, just now. She has the plague, the blues, and the reds. (Rent is due and the funds are shy.) The good news is, entertainment is near at hand: Alternate brain has a fresh take on Charles Barclay. The Spazz has a great 911 call. Go Fug Yourself has the best meltdown breakdown. Ever. And, there's video! The History Boys, Black Snake Moan, and Children of Men. And, er, an arty-independant thing with Mark Wahlberg. Okay, it's really bad, but it's Mark Wahlberg, people!

Shopgirlove has a tentative date for brunch tomorrow. Hello bacon!

So, really, life could be worse.

It could be better, but it could be worse.


Fixer said...

Thanks for the link, darlin'!

Opti said...

Thanks for the post, m'dear!