the best and worst of a day in retail

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Scooter Libby shall serve no time? Really? Who should go to jail, then? I mean, even Paris Hilton did time. Not much, but she served. Traitors to their country used to be executed.
Not that Shopgirlove loves the electric chair, but it is interesting how things change. Does justice owe allegiance to the powerful? Oh dear, is she Continental? That can't be good...Shopgirlove remembers being proud of her country's willingness to prosecute the powerful. How naive. Shopgirlove is going to crawl back into her stockroom and try to figure out what is going on in this once-glorious-country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apparently poor Paris just didn't have anything on the President or the VP.

It's appalling, isn't it? Just when you think His Arrogance and crew can't possibly get away with anything more outrageous than the last blatantly in-your-face, bordering-on or all-the-way criminal act, they DO. Again. Why aren't people out screaming in the streets about this? Why are these people still in power?? In all my life, I never thought that I would see our country in this condition.