the best and worst of a day in retail

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The FDA wants you to drop dead

Shopgirlove is trying to recover from an encounter with gluten last night. She had a lovely meal with a lovely beau at a lovely restaurant. Everyone there tried so hard to safeguard her health and well-being. Not one grain of wheat touched Shopgirlove's plate. But after dinner, Shopgirlove decided to have a whiskey. Not a good idea.

While waiting for her tummy to settle down, Shopgirlove has been catching up on the news:

The Dems finally figured out that FOX News loves them about as much as the Mayans love our President. Why didn't they just ask John Edwards?
At last! Someone in the administration took responsibilty for something. Sort of. (P.s. if anyone over at the FBI or the NSA is reading this, Shopgirlove hopes you have enjoyed your visit. Leave a comment! Feedback is always welcome at Retales.)
Oh, and Obama is articulate, again.
But what really got Shopgirlove's panties in a bunch was the ongoing campaign by our government to KILL EVERY AMERICAN! C'mon! If butter were bad, wouldn't France be in Italy? Shopgirlove is aware that federal agencies are strongly discouraged from flirting with science, but this is too much.

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