the best and worst of a day in retail

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dem ain't the blues, dems SAD

OOOOOOFFFFFFF! Shopgirlove forgets every year and every year gets knocked on her derrière by the SAD. Part of the problem is that she's sub-syndromal: no depression or anxiety, so she doesn't actually feel different just...less. It's hard to describe the impact of February. Shopgirlove crashes at about 7:30, wakes up at 4:00, and then falls asleep again at 7:00. And she's STARVING! All the time! And yes, there's a decided uptick in the gin uptake.
Luckily, said uptake uptick is limited by the limited number of hours Shopgirlove is actually awake. Seriously-work, walk King Dutch, eat, have a cocktail. That's about the most Shopgirlove can squeeze in. There are remedies: lightboxes, meds, exercise (can you work out in your sleep)? All of these, however, require that your get-up-and-go! has not got-up-and-gone. Are lightboxes covered by health insurance? Oh well. Early to bed, blah blah blah. (Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream.)

P.S. Jonathan-DO NOT GET RID OF POWERCORD! This one inspires no confidence. I may have a great need of the one you procured very soon. Besides, it's a good excuse to rendezvous at Central for oysters. Or Oleana for the deviled eggs. Oh heck, realistically, better make it brunch at B-Side. Shopgirlove might actually be awake for that...


J said...

sounds fine.
let me know.

Opti said...

Perfect...I'll call after my nap.

J said...

napping still? changed my name.

J said...

well, ok then.
I will hold onto the powercord. let me know if you need it.