the best and worst of a day in retail

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hi, Brian Grazer!

If you really want to know about the power of knowledge...I can fill you in. Hire me as your reader. Please, I would be so good. I have more curiosity than anyone you will ever meet. Let me tell you about the pilgrims and the clapboard: there were no skilled laborers on that first foray onto America's soil. There were merchants, and preachers, and useless men who had just enough cash for the fare to get here. Once they got here, they were stuck. None of them could forge a brick, nor cut a stone, neither could they taper tinder. So, smartly, they turned to the ships' carpenters. Who then built them upside-down boats. Hello clapboard, you are a ship sailing upside-down.

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